Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sunday of Orthodoxy

Today, being the first Sunday of Great Lent, we celebrate Sunday of Orthodoxy.  Sophia participated in the procession around the Church holding the icon of her patron saint, Saint Sophia.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bikes, Scooters and Skates....oh my !!!

Mama....can we ride my bike today?

...and skate ?

...and scooter ? 

We can never do JUST ONE thing...she likes to do all three, all the time!  Which of course means the skates go on, the skates go off, the bike helmet goes on, the bike helmet goes off, the pads, etc etc etc. But she has SO much fun and it is such a joy to watch.  She loves to let her little brother stand on the scooter with her and let me guide them down a little hill....what fun!