Outside my window
It is cloudy, windy and warm. While I am thankful that it appears we are being spared the wrath of Hurricane Irene, I am praying for those that are evacuating, preparing and planning for the storm.
Currently reading
RE-reading The Spiritual Life - and How to be Attuned to It. (St. Theophan the Recluse). Also, lots of children's books !
I am thankful
I am so Blessed that the Lord has blessed our marriage and our family. As we celebrated 7 years this past week, I was reflecting on our spiritual journey...and through it's ups, and especially downs, how God gives us such opportunities to seek His Grace.
I am so Blessed that the Lord has blessed our marriage and our family. As we celebrated 7 years this past week, I was reflecting on our spiritual journey...and through it's ups, and especially downs, how God gives us such opportunities to seek His Grace.
From the kitchen
Nothing out of the ordinary. Having just finished the Fast, we stocked up on some chicken breasts and a steak this week - just in time to feast for our wedding anniversary !
Nothing out of the ordinary. Having just finished the Fast, we stocked up on some chicken breasts and a steak this week - just in time to feast for our wedding anniversary !
I am thinking
It has been 2 months today since my sweet uncle fell asleep in the Lord. As with any loss, it was so painful for our family, my mother, his wife, his daughter. But I continue to think about the effect he had on so many people. The night we were at the funeral home for the viewing, it was extremely emotional for everyone. As family, we were sitting up front and were being greeted by all who entered. At one point, I turned to the back of the room and noticed there were a line of people waiting to approach the casket. A little while later, I needed to go on the porch for some air..and I will never forget the overwhelming feeling I had as I exited the room. I cried...but smiled so big inside. There was a line of people extending outside of the funeral home into the parking lot. People were parking blocks away to come to pay their respects to my dear Uncle and his family. I had never seen anything like it and I I felt so much love right then. I thought about how much love he had given to all of these people and that they had those same sentiments for him. His memory would live on in all of them. May his memory be eternal !
A few plans for the rest of the week
Apparently, I need to start sitting down to write these Daybook entries earlier in the week if this is going to be a topic. As I sit here tonight typing, I am thinking of NO PLANS ! One more day of this week and then NO PLANS ! But over the weekend and earlier in the week, I am PLANNING to "make a plan" ! HA ! No, really I am. I need to re-visit our daily routines now that Sophia has started spending a few hours at school. This week, I have really just kept most things out of the routine so that we can get adjusted to things and see how it all fits together. We usually spend a little time in the morning doing our own homeschool stuff. We do some reading lessons, writing, workbooks, crafts...and spiritual reading and lessons. We say our morning prayers together, breakfast/cleanup, wash/dress, and we usually go to the YMCA a few mornings per week. I've never actually set any kind of "schedule", so to speak, but I am feeling a little unorganized as of late and I think I need a little structure for the kids. Lately, it seems that if given too much "free" time, things turn to chaos real quick ! Maybe just a little more routine will calm the waters. Any experienced moms out there feel like chiming in ???
on my iPod
New behind-the-neck earphones for running ! Thanks Mom and Dad !
New behind-the-neck earphones for running ! Thanks Mom and Dad !
Toward a living education
For my birthday, my sweet sister and her family took all of us camping ! We went to St. Augustine and it was our first time there. We decided to go up a day early so that we could enjoy the town a bit before we started to rough it. Our children are a little young to understand the history of the place, but did enjoy the trip immensely. For us, there was so much history there and I am so glad that we got to spend a little time walking around and learning a bit too. Of course, our favorite stop was the St. Photios Greek Orthodox Shrine. What a blessing to be able to see it !
Beauty in the home/Around the house
This is definitely NOT the week to write about this. With the challenges of a new schedule, very tired and cranky kids, tired Mama....I have barely been able to keep up with the basic house chores. Right now, folded laundry is beautiful - because it's not all clumped in a basket. We need to lower our standards every once in a while !
This is definitely NOT the week to write about this. With the challenges of a new schedule, very tired and cranky kids, tired Mama....I have barely been able to keep up with the basic house chores. Right now, folded laundry is beautiful - because it's not all clumped in a basket. We need to lower our standards every once in a while !
The Domestic Church
Focused this week on more examples of how we call upon God in prayer during our daily lives..particularly with Sophia starting school. Little reminders to pray before starting school, during school when she feels anxious (i.e.. during afternoon storms), praying for a classmate who is misbehaving. As mothers we are never sure how much they can grasp at each stage, especially our first time around, but it continues to be our duty to teach them each step they take.
Focused this week on more examples of how we call upon God in prayer during our daily lives..particularly with Sophia starting school. Little reminders to pray before starting school, during school when she feels anxious (i.e.. during afternoon storms), praying for a classmate who is misbehaving. As mothers we are never sure how much they can grasp at each stage, especially our first time around, but it continues to be our duty to teach them each step they take.
I am hoping/I am praying
I am praying for the people in the Northeast who are preparing for the Hurricane to hit this weekend.
I am praying for the people in the Northeast who are preparing for the Hurricane to hit this weekend.
In the garden
Peppers ! I think they may have been the only productive thing we planted this summer. It's ok by me, I LOVE peppers - and we have a lot of them. I planted 3 different varieties and they are all doing well. I think the garlic and carrots are something we need to try again in the Fall. I think it was just too hot for them here. The beans did somewhat ok, but didn't produce enough to actually incorporate into a meal. My kids mainly enjoyed running out and picking them off of the vine and eating them raw. The tomatoes never made a big comeback after the leaf miner episode. The plants themselves grew very tall and flowered but never really fruited much. We are looking forward to cleaning out the boxes and trying some new things for Fall.
One of my favorite things
A really great workout ! Love feeling physically exhausted when I hit that pillow at night !
A really great workout ! Love feeling physically exhausted when I hit that pillow at night !
Started her first year at Pre-K this week. So far, it is going well. I can't lie - it is very bittersweet for me. It's only a few hours a day, but feels like forever. We chose the afternoon session because we felt it fit better into our schedule. We would be able to continue our normal morning routine, attend church services, go to the Y, etc. It also seems to have worked out for the best because the afternoon class is much smaller, which is a little less overwhelming for our shy little girl. She says she likes it. It is odd to see my very bubbly energetic little girl CRASHING at the end of the day ! She has also still been going to her gymnastics class 2 nights a week and that has really added to her exhaustion.
The poor little man. He is NOT happy about Sophia leaving for school. He has cried every day on the way home after dropping her off. He says things (between the sobs) like "I am sad", "my bear is sad", "I don't want to leave Sophia at school", "I miss Sophia". It is heart-wrenching ..but cute in a way. I am glad that they have such a bond. Plus, it is adorable to see them run to each other and hug when we pick her up in the afternoon.