Sunday, July 11, 2010

Up, Up and Away !

I am learning lots of new lessons in my small gardening adventure.  If you recall, I built a trellis for my plants that need some vertical support.  I couldn't wait to see them all start climbing !  When I compare the pictures from the above-linked post, I am shocked !  As you can see, they are really filling out !  I think all the rain we had last week helped a lot.  

In the back of my box, I decided to try a little experiment and plant some sweet potatoes.  I actually purchased these 6 little ones and  thought that I would be putting it in my Square Foot Garden box.  It was an impulse item.  We love sweet potatoes and when I saw it at the store, I couldn't resist.  Poor planning.  When I got home and read a little bit about growing them, I realized they wouldn't work in my box. They CAN be planted in a SFG, but would take up a few boxes at least...and I had decided to start with one box and had limited space to use.  I didn't want to waste them but I didn't really have any great spot for them.  The ground on the side of the house here is pretty sandy and the articles I read stated that they would do well in hot, sandy areas.  My dad gave me the idea to put them behind the box and see how it works !  They are really growing great.  I should have spread them out more but I wanted to keep them looking somewhat neat.  The other problem is that the south side of trellis is shading that half of the sweet potatoes.  I am not really certain that is a problem, but I am noting it as a potential issue.  

Speaking of potential issues regarding shading.  You will notice the large leaves on my cucumber plant ! They are growing like monsters.  I had NO IDEA how these grew !  I am really new to all of this.  Add to this ignorance the fact that we didn't have to go out to water for a few days in row...and this means that I didn't head out to the garden on those days when we had such yucky weather.  It didn't take long and the cucumber vines are taking over everything !  I think that if I was out there during those first climbing days, I could have trained them up a little straighter - and not over to the sides.  It's amazing how they send out those little thin "viney" things that grab the trellis and start spreading out !  You can see the my tomatoes are on the two boxes to the left of the cucumbers in the pictures and are REALLY being shaded and overshadowed by these huge leaves.  I don't think they are getting enough sun at this point.  Sophia's pole beans are also getting really crowded - they are on the right side of the cucumber plants.  A few of those vines have found a spot on the netting, some are climbing up the cucumber vines too !   I don't think there is much I can do at this point, but we will chalk it up to lesson learned.  We are enjoying the whole experience !  

Thursday, July 8, 2010

My little man in Church

I hesitated on whether or not to post any words along with these pictures, but it has been such a long road for our little guy that I thought it deserved a small post.  Learning how to behave during Church services (loooong and frequent services) can be difficult for little ones!  Learning how to get through it can be difficult for parents as well !  

We've had both of our children in Church since their 40 day blessing.   Glory to God for all things.  Sophia made it seem easy.  She made me feel like a very competent Christian mother.  Everything went just as I had envisioned it when I would try to plan how I would "teach" my children about our worship.  When she was younger, she spent a lot of time in my sling or other carriers.  She would stay in there most of the service, come out to receive Holy Communion and then sit quietly for the end of the service.  I was so calm and thankful.  My prayer was not interrupted.  My active participation in our Holy services was just as it was before she was born !  I only remember having to leave the Church to go to back when she needed to be nursed or changed.  As she got older and spent less time in a carrier...I didn't know what to expect.  But I knew what was expected of me, as her mother.   She was quiet, never tried to run away, always listened, never brought many "things" to play with and still doesn't know that the Church has a playroom/nursery upstairs.  I am very thankful.  

When Demetri came along, I have to admit that I felt pretty confident that I would be able to instill in him the same proper behavior that his sister had made look easy !  THIS was not the case.  I did things the same.  Talked to him the same way about services, treated him the same way when we were there and so on.  As all mothers know, each of our children can be very different.  He spent quite a bit of time in my sling as well, but as he got bigger he was less and less content there.  He just LOVES to go, move, talk, etc.  He is not content sitting in a pew for a few hours at a time.  It is so hard for him, which I completely understand.    So often I hear the comment "Oh, he is nothing like his sister" or "you have your hands full with him huh" or "boys will be boys"!  

 I admit that I have spent countless hours in the Narthex of our Church.  We sit up front and I can't tell you how many times I am walking from the front of the Church, to the back - over and over and over - poor Sophia, tagging along !   I often wonder if all the people standing in the pews along the way are thinking "WHY doesn't she just STAY back there"?  I'm sure at some point they have all said that at one point or another.  But, with Christ all things are possible !  Through prayer and His Grace, he is slowly learning to be still.  Through HIS struggle, I am struggling and learning too.  I am so thankful for this opportunity.  He is learning to love our Faith and our Church.  He can't WAIT to see Father come out of the Royal Doors.  He can often be seen pretending to "cense", using a komboskini (prayer rope, pictured above) as his censor.  He recognizes certain prayers and hymns that he hears often.  He can "chant" Ayios O Theos...well, some of it !  He has come a long way.  He still tries to run - but now instead of trying to run away from me, he is trying to run up to the altar.  He is either trying to approach the lower level icons on the Iconastasi, or he sees our Priest or his Baba.  In my mind, I am happy that his attention is THERE and not somewhere I don't mind running up and getting him a few times.  

We still have such a LONG way to go.  He does.  I do.  We all do really.  I thought that in the event that any struggling mother visits my space here, I would post my own experience and struggle - hoping that it would serve as hope.   I tried to keep it short, particularly since I honestly had no intentions of writing anything when I put these photos on the page.  But then I looked at them and thought that he looked like a well-behaved little boy, participating in his own little way during a Church service.  I thought that they looked like a mother's brag book, showing off to her family and friends how "good" her son is during the Liturgy.  That couldn't be further from the truth and ANYONE from my parish can tell you that these were just lucky snapshots of rare, quiet moments.  I really don't have a free or steady hand to reach into my bag and grab the camera as I am chasing him around the church trying to get him to focus on the altar, or shoving a pacifier in his mouth to stop the shout of "NOOOO" mid-scream !  Now THOSE would be some funny and realistic pictures !    Sometimes it is hard to balance what we share here in public view, but sometimes sharing does bring us together.   This truly is a part of my own journey.