Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A gift for Demetri

My little boy loves to go to Church.  He used to be quite a challenge...but over the last year or so has really settled down and is a pleasure to take to services.  He LOVES to participate.  At home he initiates prayer throughout the day (meals, morning, etc), loves to chant the hymns he knows, venerates his icons, etc.  When we are in Church, he is no different.  He chants along with the chanters, sometimes even visiting them up at their chanting stands.  He says his prayers, the ones he knows...and mumbles along the ones he doesn't know.  He makes the sign of the Cross (well, almost) and does his metanoia (prostrations)...and he censes.  He ALWAYS censes.  He is always aware of where Father is, what he is doing, where he is moving.  If he can't see him, he asks to move around so he can catch a glimpse of him or we pick him up.  

He would use some of his favorite items as his "censor".  Seen here, he is using his favorite bear.  He uses our prayer ropes, necklaces, keychains, etc.  

But last week, he got the best little gift ever...

smiling and staring at his "censor" saying "just like Father's" !

during Vespers for the Entrance of the Theotokos

leavng the Chapel after Vespers

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Consecration of our Church

Our family had the lovely Blessing of attending the Consecration of our Church !  What a great experience and probably one that we will not have the honor of seeing again.  The services started Friday night with the Arrival of the Relics, Procession into the Church and Vespers.  Saturday morning started with the Consecration services and Liturgy.  It was beautiful.  My husband served in the altar and said it was such an honor to witness something so awesome ! My little girl was one of the Myrophores and I was so proud of how well she did !

The relics that were placed in the Altar table were those of St. George, St. Panteleimon, and the Holy Martyrs/Monks of St. Savas Monastery on Mt. Athos.  What Blessings !