As an added surprise, her Baba was home from work that day. He had taken that day off because we were supposed to be taking a long weekend away with the kids, but had to cancel because they were so ill. He, very willingly, sat at the table with her for several hours while she made her crosses to send to the children! I didn't think to take a final picture of the finished product after they were wrapped up. But she was happy with them, she had tons of fun making them, and got to spend some unexpected quality time with her father - and that is wonderful !
She has already started receiving some of the ornaments this week and is SO happy to see what everybody sent. What a difference a year in age can make....she is actually noticing and appreciating the ornaments as they come. She is identifying the Icons that some used and asking "how" each was made as well. She asks me over and over to check the cards and tell her the names of the kids that made them too. What a great idea - hope we get to do it every year !