Monday, May 17, 2010

Visiting Times

I have referred to our recent visits from family over the past few weeks.  Personally, I can't believe it's over.  It actually went by pretty quickly.  Most people have the same reaction when I tell them that my inlaws are visiting....something to the effect of "oh, you poor thing - bet you can't wait until you leave".  It couldn't be further from the truth.   Just like when I was younger and people would assume that my sister and I fought a lot or that we didn't get along.  We used to laugh at them because it was so untrue!  My husband and I have both been blessed with such wonderful families and it is so easy to share all of that love !  I am so thankful that our family has grown and that my children will know the love of their grandparents, some great grandparents, godparents, aunts, uncles, cousins...the list goes on !

Our "visiting weeks" started off with my father-in-law visiting...better known as "Nunu" in these parts.  It had been some time since he was able to come visit with us and he was really excited to spend some quality time with the kids particularly.  Prior to coming, he said something to the effect of "I am going to be their playmate for 10 days straight".  Well, here is a photo of day one during "naptime"...I guess he thought I meant it was ok for HIM to go take a nap too.  We continued to joke about how he couldn't keep up with the kids !  (I think he napped every afternoon, under the guise of "I think I am going to go read a little").

Over the course of the visit, the kids had a ton of fun with him...he kept to his word and was definitely their playmate for those 10 days !  

Sophia and Nunu fingerpainting !

After he left, we had one day to regroup before the arrival of Noni and Granddad !  We spent a beautiful 10 days together - trying to make sure that every minute was quality time !  We enjoyed attending Church services together, shopping (of course), eating out, bbq'in at home (thanks to Granddad for our new grill), swimming at the hotel pool, daily walks in the morning and evening, Mother's day BBQ at my sisters....a great time overall !  

It's tough living away from some of your family, but thank God we have the means to stay in close contact. We visit them when we are able, they visit us often, we video-cam with them almost daily....and we are very thankful for all of those opportunities to remain close and in each other's lives !  

The little man 

My Yiayia and I on Mother's Day

My sweet husband and his mom !

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Daybook Entry

Outside of my window

83 and sunny....I am thankful for the lack of humidity today.  

I am thinking

about whether or not I am ready to cut my hair again.  

Currently reading

The Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios by Dionysios Farasiotis

I am thankful

for my father who helps us to take care of so many things around the house. Things we don't  have time to do, things we don't know HOW to do.  I don't know what we would do without him !  

Noticing that 

it wouldn't take much more effort to do the little things that make my Yiayia feel happy and special.  

I am wearing

Crummy, but comfortable, cotton !  Clothes for some gardening !  

I am listening to

Sophia in the next room singing and playing... :) 

A few plans for the rest of the week

Going to do a little gardening with the kids. We have purchased some seeds so that they can plant them, water them and watch them grow. We are also attempting to plant some wildflowers in a very shady area of our yard, pictures to follow.  Sophia would also like to play with her little friend, Maddie, since she has not seen her for a few weeks !  Other than that, just some quality time with the children.   

Around the house

catching up on some laundry and housework that has been neglected. 


has started taking naps again for me in the afternoon.  Of course, this means I have to lay down with her to get her still enough to fall asleep - but it works for us ! I read a little story, today was Noah's Ark, and she turns over and goes to sleep.  Yesterday was 3 hours !  She so obviously needs the nap, but is so stubborn about it!  


Walk. Bob. Water. Juice. On. Off. Cracker. Ketchup. Wagon.   Just a few of the new words coming out of his mouth this week !  To see his little lips forming these new words is so precious to me !  He has learned (by watching Sophia of course) how to climb on the wicker basket, onto the arm of the couch, and jump on the couch, look out the window - and do it all over again.  It's like their own little obstacle course.   

From the Kitchen

ahhh, back to cooking this week. But I think I will start tomorrow !  I don't think I have planned or made a complete meal from scratch in almost 3 weeks !  Kids enjoyed some homemade breakfast and lunch today...trying to get everyone back to normal routine here.  Appliances are working great!  Love how clean the kitchen looks. 

on my iPod

Well, I still have my "running" playlist on there, tweaking that a bit as I go.  Added some podcasts for the days I walk and/or warmups, etc.  My "iPod dilemma" this week is still finding an armband I like.  The selection at the stores is pitiful.  I purchased 2 online and had to return them both.  One because the vinyl covering over the wheel was SO thick that I couldn't adjust anything while running.  I didn't care so much whether or not I could adjust a song or volume (although that would be nice), but I couldn't even STOP or PAUSE my run...(on the Nike system) so my times were way off.  Then I purchased another one and the case itself was so loose that the iPod kept falling out of it while I ran.  I returned that too.  I have been holding it in my hand in the meantime,  until I find one I like.  

Beauty in the home

My mother gave us each a rose on Mother's day and I put it in my kitchen.  I just loved how even a single fresh flower brought such life to the house.  We also have a large dining table that would look great with fresh flowers in the center.  Part of our new gardening project will be a wildflower bed that can provide us with some fresh cut flowers for our home !  How wonderful!  I had done this many years ago and almost forgot how fun and beautiful it was ! 

In the garden

I suppose I should have saved some of my gardening thoughts for the gardening section?  Oh well.  We will start planting our seeds when everyone is up from their naps.  Hopefully we are organized enough to take some photos !  

One of my favorite things

my two new dresses that my mother-in-law bought for me during her visit here !  I love them !  Pretty, modest, comfortable !  

A picture thought to share

Sophia helping her Popou (my dad) hang her new flower lights in her room ! I think they are admiring their work !! 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Daybook Entry

Outside of my window

A baby bluejay sleeping on a tiny branch of my tree...waiting for mama bluejay to come and feed him.  Sophia is really enjoying watching these events unfold.  She has been sitting in front of the window talking to him, showing him her hairclips, telling him stories, etc.  He flew a short distance for the first time today.

I am thinking

about how wonderful it is to have family visiting us and making wonderful memories.

Currently reading

The Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios by Dionysios Farasiotis

I am thankful

that my children are beginning to feel better this week.  They have been battling a long virus and ear infections for the first time in their little lives.  Glory be to God, they are healing and in wonderful spirits.

Noticing that

I actually CAN get the dishes done right after dinner and I CAN fold the laundry as soon as it comes out of the dryer.....IF and WHEN I have grandparents around to help with the kids !

I am wearing

Hmm?  Is this going to reflect what I'm wearing "in general", or what I'm wearing "right now" as I type this?  Not sure what this space will begin to evolve into...but at the moment after my post-workout shower...I am comfortably relaxing in a lightweight cotton skirt, cotton tank and my croc flip-flops.

I am listening to

my darling husband on his work cellphone rescheduling some appointments...he just realized he double-booked himself for the early morning hours.  I don't know what it is about cellphones, but I can hear every.single.word that the other party is saying as well !

A few plans for the rest of the week

we should be fairly busy and entertained the remainder of the week.  My children's desires/plans are to play 24 hours a day with their grandparents !  We are in vacation mode around here (although my husband is still working during the day) so we will be going out to eat, playing at the park, going to the beach and shopping.    I am still maintaining my running and spinning classes as often as I can (does that counter all of the extra goodies I am consuming while having visitors?) and I have tried to schedule my pitching lessons only 3 nights this week to allow for some extra family time.

Around the house

we actually have had some big things happen around here this week....we purchased new kitchen appliances !  This is the first time I've ever had all brand new appliances and I am loving it !  The stuff that was here when we purchased the house had probably been here since the house was built in the 80's.  Not only was it ugly, but it was really not in good working condition.  We did take advantage of the states rebate program to replace some items with energy efficient models and we got some great deals on the other pieces.  It motivated me to clean and declutter the rest of the kitchen too - which is a bonus.  We have a somewhat small galley-type kitchen, so space is limited.  Things are looking pretty good and it's actually a pleasure to look at !


is really enjoying her time with her grandparents.  She hasn't been herself since a little bit before Pascha (Easter) and I felt so awful to hear she had such a terrible double ear infection.  However, after a few days of her antibiotics....she woke up just like my sweet little girl again and I am so happy to have her back.


is developing so fast!  This past week has really been such a language explosion for him.  He is putting so much effort into repeating all of the words we say to him.  He is also trying to help when we dress him, putting his shoes on, etc.  The big smile on his face is so precious when we make a big deal about these small accomplishments.

From the kitchen

well, aside from the new appliances...there is not much going on in the kitchen at this point.  My father-in-law went out yesterday and purchased a new barbeque for us so it looks like we will be doing a lot of grilling for the rest of the week....when we are not eating out, of course.  I guess that is one way to keep my kitchen clean!

on my iPod

my continual quest to find the right music to listen to when I run !   I only recently purchased my first iPod Nano, so that I can use it when I run with my Nike + system.  So, I am pretty new to all this.  I have put a ton of my music on there and just trying to organize it into playlists on my computer at this time.

On Sophia's iPod (she has my old Shuffle)...I have started downloading audiobooks for her.  She loves it. She gets the typical children's book (Curious George, Very Hungry Catepiller, etc.), I purchase those from iTunes.  She also has a lot of new podcasts from Ancient Faith Radio for her age. Currently she is listening to the Resurrection of Jesus, The Woman and the Wheat, and St. Gerasimos.  She gets to listen to them when she is riding in the jogger as I run.   What a blessing these stories have been !!!

Beauty in the home

tonight my thoughtful husband put some of the petals from our rosebush in a bowl of water and floated some candles inside....lovely setting for our dinner.

The Domestic Church

Sophia has been asking for me to read her more and more from The Children's Bible Reader.  She continues to ask for me to read the stories of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection at this time....Pascha is fresh in her mind.

In the garden

We are trying to rebuild just a little after losing so much over the winter this year.  We have blessed to still have quite a bit of green (azaleas, Indian Hawthornes, Ligustrum shrubs) but all of our flowering colorful beds are gone.  We have decided to keep it simple.  We had invested so much time and money into it last year and it was very frustrating to have it all die in the freezes.  We have started with a few flowering  pots hanging from the shepherds hooks in the front and a potted hibiscus.  I should mention that our rosebush is strong and blooming ! This thing is amazing - as you may remember from last year  !

One of my favorite things

my little man's laughter

A picture to share

The kids love playing in their new homemade playhouse (aka dishwasher box)...we cut windows and a door, even put up curtains!  

Monday, May 3, 2010

Who has time to journal????

One of my favorite bloggers posts a weekly Daybook entry.  I love the layout and how it really cuts through all the nonsense...concentrating your thoughts on the simple pleasures of life.  For most of my "pre-motherhood" life, I have kept a journal.  It started out as a little diary with a lock and key (which I actually thought kept my parents away), then graduated to handwritten journaling, journaling on floppy disks (gasp), so on and so forth.  I haven't found myself making the time to journal for several years now.  This idea seems easy and quick enough for me to do on a weekly basis, and just might be fun !  I think I will start right away !  

As anyone who reads this blog knows....this blog is sort of an off-shoot of our original family webpage.  I started keeping it in order to keep our distant family and friends up to date on the children.   My goal is not to have a gazillion followers or anything like that, however - in the "blogosphere" I have already made a few "friends" and am really enjoying it.  If that causes this page to change in any way, then so be it.  I am just going with the flow at the moment.  With that being said, I love keeping it (my blog).   I like being able to create just a little documentation of small parts of my family life.  If you read it and visit this virtual space of mine, THANK YOU.

As a newbie, I am bound to break a few blogging rules.  (I never knew there were such things until one day I saw it mentioned in someone elses blog).  How did all THAT come about?  Anyway, I guess since I got the idea from someone else I am supposed to somehow credit her, which I would love to do...but I am clueless.  I have hit the "permalink" button, and if I did this wrong I will have to apologize (Mary @ evlogia....forgive me)...but THIS is the link to the entries that inspired me to start this Daybook entry.  Since then, I have found other blogs with Daybook entries..I love them I supposed to link to them all????  You see, I really am clueless !

Ok, I am going to take my chances and publish this...I hope I don't get banned from blogging for breaking some "linking" rule.