Monday, May 3, 2010

Who has time to journal????

One of my favorite bloggers posts a weekly Daybook entry.  I love the layout and how it really cuts through all the nonsense...concentrating your thoughts on the simple pleasures of life.  For most of my "pre-motherhood" life, I have kept a journal.  It started out as a little diary with a lock and key (which I actually thought kept my parents away), then graduated to handwritten journaling, journaling on floppy disks (gasp), so on and so forth.  I haven't found myself making the time to journal for several years now.  This idea seems easy and quick enough for me to do on a weekly basis, and just might be fun !  I think I will start right away !  

As anyone who reads this blog knows....this blog is sort of an off-shoot of our original family webpage.  I started keeping it in order to keep our distant family and friends up to date on the children.   My goal is not to have a gazillion followers or anything like that, however - in the "blogosphere" I have already made a few "friends" and am really enjoying it.  If that causes this page to change in any way, then so be it.  I am just going with the flow at the moment.  With that being said, I love keeping it (my blog).   I like being able to create just a little documentation of small parts of my family life.  If you read it and visit this virtual space of mine, THANK YOU.

As a newbie, I am bound to break a few blogging rules.  (I never knew there were such things until one day I saw it mentioned in someone elses blog).  How did all THAT come about?  Anyway, I guess since I got the idea from someone else I am supposed to somehow credit her, which I would love to do...but I am clueless.  I have hit the "permalink" button, and if I did this wrong I will have to apologize (Mary @ evlogia....forgive me)...but THIS is the link to the entries that inspired me to start this Daybook entry.  Since then, I have found other blogs with Daybook entries..I love them I supposed to link to them all????  You see, I really am clueless !

Ok, I am going to take my chances and publish this...I hope I don't get banned from blogging for breaking some "linking" rule.


  1. :) You made me smile with this post. You did great :) There are lots of unwritten rules about blogging. But, I think, as long as you are able to link back to where ever you got information, you are ok.

    I've always wanted to do a Daybook. I think I may have done one on my former blog, but not on OurLittleMonkeys. Maybe I'll do one soon :)

  2. Linking back is way over-rated. ;)

    Seriously, I find the credit mongering rules in the blogosphere to be quite silly. However, I do appreciate this link back because in checking my stats I was able to find your blog and will enjoy reading the thoughts of another Orthodox mother.

    With love in Christ,
