Monday, May 17, 2010

Visiting Times

I have referred to our recent visits from family over the past few weeks.  Personally, I can't believe it's over.  It actually went by pretty quickly.  Most people have the same reaction when I tell them that my inlaws are visiting....something to the effect of "oh, you poor thing - bet you can't wait until you leave".  It couldn't be further from the truth.   Just like when I was younger and people would assume that my sister and I fought a lot or that we didn't get along.  We used to laugh at them because it was so untrue!  My husband and I have both been blessed with such wonderful families and it is so easy to share all of that love !  I am so thankful that our family has grown and that my children will know the love of their grandparents, some great grandparents, godparents, aunts, uncles, cousins...the list goes on !

Our "visiting weeks" started off with my father-in-law visiting...better known as "Nunu" in these parts.  It had been some time since he was able to come visit with us and he was really excited to spend some quality time with the kids particularly.  Prior to coming, he said something to the effect of "I am going to be their playmate for 10 days straight".  Well, here is a photo of day one during "naptime"...I guess he thought I meant it was ok for HIM to go take a nap too.  We continued to joke about how he couldn't keep up with the kids !  (I think he napped every afternoon, under the guise of "I think I am going to go read a little").

Over the course of the visit, the kids had a ton of fun with him...he kept to his word and was definitely their playmate for those 10 days !  

Sophia and Nunu fingerpainting !

After he left, we had one day to regroup before the arrival of Noni and Granddad !  We spent a beautiful 10 days together - trying to make sure that every minute was quality time !  We enjoyed attending Church services together, shopping (of course), eating out, bbq'in at home (thanks to Granddad for our new grill), swimming at the hotel pool, daily walks in the morning and evening, Mother's day BBQ at my sisters....a great time overall !  

It's tough living away from some of your family, but thank God we have the means to stay in close contact. We visit them when we are able, they visit us often, we video-cam with them almost daily....and we are very thankful for all of those opportunities to remain close and in each other's lives !  

The little man 

My Yiayia and I on Mother's Day

My sweet husband and his mom !

1 comment:

  1. It must be so nice for everyone to get along so well. They photos are beautiful- especially of you and your Yiayia.
