Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Look who's TWO !

So my little man turned 2 this week - and as most parents say ... I can't believe it is going so fast.  We had a great celebration and he had lots of fun.  I cannot lie...we did not put as MUCH preparation and attention into the preparations of this party as we did for Sophia's.  Well, he is only 2....and only cares about eating the cake.  Plus we are still enjoying the wonderful company of my inlaws and prioritize "family time" over going crazy with party planning !  (At least that's our motto now, while he is still too young to argue)!  

Sophia picked out his "sports" theme and helped Mama decorate.  I made him a very lame baseball cake with the help of my mother.  We really had a great time and I am very thankful for my wonderful kids !  

Happy Birthday little man !  

The "big girls" having some fun with Sophia's animal masks !

Wow, this Birthday Boy stuff is VERY tiring ! 

sitting on his new "truck" bean bag seat !

FIRST BIKE ! from Yiayia & Popou

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sweet Potatoes !!!

Our gardening experience continues to grow !  We finally got to pull our sweet potatoes out of the ground. Sophia was thrilled when her Baba took her out to do the dirty work !  We actually got quite a few, but not nearly the amount I thought we would.  We looked into it a little and realized where we made our mistakes.  Our biggest problem was that we didn't give them enough room to grow.  These vines can crazy !  So whenever we saw a little tendril making it's way out of my neatly-outlined area, we would just lift it and put it back with the bunch.  Actually, as they spread out and grow they continue to root themselves along the way producing more and more potatoes !  At least that's our new understanding.  The ones we did pull were delicious.  A few of them were too tiny to use, we really could have left them underground much longer but we haphazardly YANKED al of the vines above-ground assuming they were all "done" !
We are still getting quite a few peppers of all colors !  Our eggplant was very productive too !  Our biggest failure were the tomatoes - which obviously did not get enough hours of sun every day.

At least we are better prepared for next year !

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

One lovely blog....

How sweet !  Mat. Anna over at Praying with My Feet gave me a "Lovely Blog" award !  I'm honored if anyone is even reading....getting an award would never even cross my mind !

Allow me to share just a few of the lovely blogs that I follow : 

This is certainly not a complete list.... But they are all great blogs !

For those so inclined, here are the (obligation free!) rules to accompany this award:

1.) Post award on your blog
2.) Thank the blogger who sent it to you
3.) Award 15 other bloggers this Lovely award
4.) Tell them all you think their blog is Lovely