Wednesday, October 6, 2010

One lovely blog....

How sweet !  Mat. Anna over at Praying with My Feet gave me a "Lovely Blog" award !  I'm honored if anyone is even reading....getting an award would never even cross my mind !

Allow me to share just a few of the lovely blogs that I follow : 

This is certainly not a complete list.... But they are all great blogs !

For those so inclined, here are the (obligation free!) rules to accompany this award:

1.) Post award on your blog
2.) Thank the blogger who sent it to you
3.) Award 15 other bloggers this Lovely award
4.) Tell them all you think their blog is Lovely


  1. Christine, you are very sweet. I'm with you in that I'm honored (and surprised) if any one is even reading my blog. I enjoy reading yours too!

  2. Thanks, Christine! I love your blog, too :)
