Sunday, January 2, 2011

Baby, it's (too) warm outside....

While I think it got a little too warm today (for January), the kids did get to enjoy some fun outdoors !  First thing they did was ride their bikes up and down the driveway.

Sophia had been asking me for "the hairy things" that she saw on the bikes in Target (streamers) - so I found a pair for her Christmas stocking.  She loved how they were blowing in the breeze today.  Demetri doesn't quite go fast enough yet on his bike, but he does have a little airplane on his handlebars (and one day that propeller WILL spin)!

(Usually, whenever we are out riding the bikes there is at least one person who stops to ask us WHAT kind of bikes the kids are riding !  Sophia has a Kinderbike and Demetri has a Strider bike.  They are balance bikes (aka running bikes).  They are widely used in other countries and just really gaining some popularity here, although obviously not very mainstream.  The concept is that the child learns balance and confidence on a two week bike and goes from this to a regular pedal bike (no need for tricycles or training wheels)!  I think they are great and the kids seem to really like them and feel comfortable on them !  Needless to say, most of my family think I'm a little bizarre and "bikes with no pedals" really gave them something to laugh at).  

1 comment:

  1. I love the "hairy things"! What little girl wouldn't wait "hairy things"on her bike? :)
