Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Stop and smell the......Roses???

Do you see that STICK on the right of the picture?  You can look at the rest of the flower bed too if you like, but pay attention to that STICK.  I will tell you that my husband took this DEAD, FROSTBITTEN, NO-SIGN-OF-LIFE, stick and brought it to my FRONT yard in hopes of bringing it back to life.
  I kept asking WHY we couldn’t try this experiment in the BACK yard?  Why in the front where everyone could see it?  We had just planted some new and promising little flowers in the bed, a trellis...there was so much hope for such beauty in a few short months.  .......  but my husbands delusional idea that the naked STICK was going to actually survive was really putting a big dose of "ugly" in that flowerbed. 
One day when I went out too look around, I noticed there were some green leaves coming on the branches.  Few days later, I thought “is that a BUD”????  Then more buds.  We went away for the weekend and when we came home THIS is what we saw.
I grabbed the camera right away!  I wish I had taken a better picture, but you get the idea. There were about 25 roses !  They were beautiful and looked like silk!  He has yet to say “I told you so”....but I”m sure he is holding himself back! My husbands steadfastness paid off!  Glory be to God for all things! I am very happy to have a beautiful healthy rose bush on the side of my house!!! 


  1. That is incredible! I am amazed at how God works through even the smallest things.

    This is my first visit to your blog. I look forward to reading more!

  2. Thank you Michelle! You're probably the first visitor to my blog, period! I am just "building" it now, so to speak...so THANK YOU! I am trying to transition a few entries from a family website we used to keep, just so it isn't EMPTY!

    With God, all things are possible!
